New Hampshire and Vermont Mediation and Conflict Resolution Blog

Questions and Answers about Online Mediation

Are you wondering whether online mediation is right for you and your clients?  Below we’ve answered some frequently asked questions to help you get a better sense of whether mediating your case online is the right fit. Can parties caucus

Tips for Protecting Your Children During Divorce

Joan B. Kelly, Ph.D. is a groundbreaking clinical psychologist and researcher who began studying the impact of divorce on children in 1968. Joan is an author, therapist, mediator, and parenting coordinator with four decades of experience working with high conflict

Children’s Bill of Rights in Divorce

Below is an excerpt from Dr. Robert Emery’s website (// regarding a “Children’s Bill of Rights in Divorce”  It is a powerful reminder about keeping children’s rights in mind during difficult family transitions and decisions. The Children’s Bill of Rights